Ibanez Tone-Lok PM7 Phase Modulator Pedal Standard

Phase Modulator. If you've gone through one phase after another, maybe it's time for the final phase. The PM7 Phase Modulator offers three types of waveforms to give you everything from classic phaser to DJ effects to toy ray gun sounds. Since good things come in threes, the PM7 also has three phase stages: vintage, deep and dry, and deep and pronounced.

Ibanez TS9DX Turbo Tube Screamer Effects Pedal Standard

Warmth, sustain, and stunning tone. That is what the original Tube Screamer brought to the table. Besides the original TS9 tone, the TS9DX offers 3 unique new settings, +, Hot, and Turbo, all of which are used for adding low-end crunch.

Ibanez Tone-Lok SB7 Synthesizer Bass Pedal Standard

If you're looking for new tones or you're still smoldering with resentment against synth bass keyboard players who took your gigs in the 80's, the SB7 is the ticket.

Ibanez Tone-Lok WD7 Weeping Demon Wah Pedal Standard

WD7 Weeping Demon Wah's shrieks, cries, wails and seductive siren songs will have your audience screaming for more. The Weeping Demon features spring and normal footboard action, selectable wah range, fine tuning controls and more.

Ibanez Tone-Lok TS7 Tubescreamer Pedal Standard
Ibanez Tone-Lok TS7 Tubescreamer
Yet another incarnation of the beloved Ibanez TS9 Tubescreamer, the TS7 delivers a smooth overdrive that works magic on cranked-up amps. The Drive, Tone and Level controls allow for a wide range of warm sizzle, and the Mode switch allows the TS7 to operate via traditional TS9 circuitry and in "Hot" mode, which adds a pinch more pepper to this hallowed recipe.
LIST PRICE: $74.95
Ibanez Tone-Lok DS7 Distortion
Fat, heavy distortion served straight up. With just three controlsDrive, Tone and Levelthe DS7 proves to be a versatile dirt generator for everything from tight crunches to pig-squealin leads. The Tone control lets you get as nasty as you dare.
LIST PRICE: $69.95

Ibanez Tone-Lok DS7 Distortion Pedal Standard
Ibanez Tone-Lok PH7 Phaser
The modern, the vintage and the strange in one cool pedal. The PH7 phaser has Speed, Depth, Feedback and Level controls that allow everything from subtle textures to thick aquatic modulations. Hit the Mode switch and instantly flip between vintage four-stage phasing and deeper six-stage phasing. LIST PRICE: $114.95

Ibanez Tone-Lok PH7 Phaser Pedal Standard

Ibanez Tone-Lok AW7 Autowah Pedal Standard

Ibanez Tone-Lok SM7 Smash Box Pedal Standard