Introducing The Spoiler, the latest in state of the art technology for reed instrument mouthpieces. The spoiler is a Runyon innovation that allows the musician to produce the following qualities from a mouthpiece:
Greater Intensity and Character of Tone
Greater Volume with less effort
Greater Playing Ease
Extreme Dynamics
Fantastic Altissimo notes
Beautiful Subtones with ease
Superb Intonation
Allows the player to more easily create the fantastic new Modern Sound
All this is accomplished by placing an independently-mounted secondary reed inside the hollow mouthpiece chamber. This causes the secondary reed to vibrate sympathetically when the primary reed is placed in motion. The spoiler makes it possible to produce a wide range of tone qualities, expanding the artistic effects obtainable with reed-type musical instruments.
The air within the mouthpiece tone chamber oscillates to form a wave characteristic of the musical instrument, with its tone holes opened as desired by the musician to generate the various tones. It is this oscillatory motion of the air within the tone chamber of the mouthpiece which sets the secondary reed into sympathetic vibration and causes an improvement in the tone quality.
This new discovery is the result of Santy's ongoing research in the area of tone quality. This has allowed Runyun to produce incredible inventions and innovations such as this, where all the patents for this exclusive design are held by Santy himself.