The Qwik Time QT3 digital metronome is the best selling metronome in the world. Qwik time has all the features at a great price. features: 1) a loud speaker; 2) an extended speed range (40 to 250 beats per minute); 3) over 200 different speeds (most metronomes have just 39 options); 4) an A440 tuning note; 5) an earphone jack; 6) quartz digital accuracy.
To be an artist one must be able to play in perfect
time slow, fast or anywhere between. Then one must
be able to leave the time at will. This is not the same
as having the time leave the player, and that is the
effect if one is not able to play with the metronome.
M. L. Carr, Violin World, March, 1896
