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Marshall JVM Series JVM410H Tube Amp Head
Marshall AS100D 2x8 Acoustic Combo Amp vel of distortion never heard from a guitar amp before.

Marshall Haze MHZ40C 40W 1x12 Tube Guitar Combo Amp Black
 No more compromising on tone over effects (or vise versa) and an end to jumping from FX pedal to FX pedal when your solo kicks in! Comprising the two channel Haze40 and Haze15, the series offers a rugged, gig-ready 40 Watt combo and a peerless 15 Watt head respectively. Combined with MHZ112A and MHZ112B speaker cabs, the Haze15 becomes the epitome of guitar amplification - a valve-driven Marshall stack, but one that fits easily into either the lounge or boot of the car.

Marshall JVM Series JVM215C 50W 1x12 Tube Combo Amp Black
 The JVM Series from Marshall is the most comprehensive range of professional, all-valve amplifiers ever offered. No other multi-channel, multi-mode amplifier delivers the amazing all-valve tone offered by the JVM at any price. Multiple, all-valve voicings provide an amazing array of tones which are accessible from the front-panel switches, MIDI or via the revolutionary technology of the supplied footswitch.

Marshall 1987XL Vintage Series 50W Tube Head Standard

Marshall JVM Series JVM210H 100W Tube Guitar Amp Head Black