January 23, 2005
On display at the Ibanez booth at the January NAMM show was an eye-catching all-black S guitar, the S520EX "Extreme Metal" model. Explained Rob Nishida of Ibanez Artist Relations, "The S design has proved popular with every genre from goth to gospel, and we've got all kinds of artists playing it. But we noticed an upsurge in the number of players of extreme forms of heavy rock and metal asking us for S guitars. The S can already get the sounds of those kinds of music, as well as just about anything else, but we felt the S line-up needed a guitar with the right look for those genres."
Nearly all the appointments on the S520EX "Extreme Metal" model are black including the hardware and pickup mounting rings. The S features Ibanez's ball-bearing equipped Zero Resistance tremolo and Zero Point system for the added stability needed for aggressive styles.

Ibanez S520EX Electric Guitar Black
