Hughes & Kettner Tube Factor Distortion Pedal
 he Hughes and Kettner Tube Factor Overdrive Pedal delivers incredible tube tone! Getting great sound out of a tube is no secret, just feed it lots of power and it will scream. That’s why the H&K Tube Factor Overdrive Pedal runs upwards of 300 volts to the internal tube circuitry and on-board 12AX7A.

Hughes and Kettner Red Box Classic Passive Direct Box
 The Hughes and Kettner Red Box Classic is a world-famous guitar direct box - you'll never have to mic a guitar speaker again! The Red Box converts your amp's Line Out or Speaker Out(!!) signal into a balanced, frequency-compensated signal that you can feed direcrly into a mixer.

Hughes And Kettner Tubefactor

Hughes And Kettner TubeMan

Hughes And Kettner Warpfactorp

Hughes And Kettner Replex

Hughes And Kettner Redboxclassic
