The DB12 is one of the easiest, most compact and affordable metronomes on the market. The unit features 24 beat variations with 6 rhythm types allowing you to combine different beats for working with syncopated passages and odd time signatures.
Boss Dr. Beat DB12 is one of the easiest, most compact and affordable metronomes on the market today. For those who need basic time-keeping and helpful practice features, the DB-12 is the Ticket!! The unit features 24 beat variations with six (6) rhythm types and allows you to combine different beats for working with syncopated passages and odd time signatures. It also features a useful Stop Watch and Timer with alarm for measuring song length or total session time. There is Chromatic tuning tone over one full octave range for tuning acoustic instruments. A special power-saving automatic Power-Off function. Mounts onto drum hardware and cymbal stand tops for ease of use!