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  363 Bassoon Jupiter 363 Bassoon
Plastic body, full Heckel system, 22 keys, high D, plateau C on third finger of wing joint (D hole), F#/C# trill keys, C# & D#/F and Ab rollers.
  Model 201 Short Symphony Bore Bassoon Fox Products Model 201 Short Symphony Bore Bassoon ntroduced in 1968, the short bore model of instruments features a tone quality that is more "open" than the long bore. It is voiced to permit the performer to open up and "sing" in solo register, and its tone quality lends itself to solo performance. It was designed and developed under the supervision of Alan Fox in conjunction with prominent bassoonists in major symphony orchestras. Like all Fox bassoons, it features freedom of response, intonation, tonal quality, and projection that will satisfy the requirements of the most discriminating performers.
Tiger Striped European Mountain Maple, all wood naturally aged in our own facilities. Natural rubber linings in the wing and small bore of the boot joint. Choice of German (white ring) or French bell (metal ring).
Naturally cured varnish in light mahogany or ebony to enhance the reflections of the maple. Silver plated keys and trim.
Nickel silver key parts, hinges, and machined parts. Full German system with high D and E keys. Right hand whisper key lock. Rollers on F, A(flat), E(flat), D(flat). Metal tubes extending into the bore in the finger holes of the wing and boot joints to prevent water from entering the tone holes. All spring posts are locked with screws.
Each Bassoon is tuned individually to a modified just scale, with ample flexibility to accommodate the most demanding requirements. (The design is very flexible and may be used as high as A-443.)
Numbers 2 and 3, CTX Bore. (Choice of any 2, option of lengths 0 through 4.)
  Model 51 Renard Short Reach Bassoon Fox Products Model 51 Renard Short Reach Bassoon Originally introduced in 1965, the Renard Model 51 bassoon's long bore design can be identified by its very warm "round" tone, with even balance and excellent intonation throughout the entire range. Like the Model 41, this instrument has a durable body and secure acoustical design. In addition, this model features a compact key mechanism that makes it a popular choice for middle school music programs, those starting on bassoon at a young age, and beginning players with smaller hands.
Polypropylene, molded with critical dimensions machine finished. Body lock.
Nickel silver keys with nickel plating. Metal tubes extending into the bore in the finger holes of the wing joint to prevent water from entering the tone holes. All posts set in epoxy and spring posts are locked with screws.
No high D octave key. Plateau key covers the D hole to reduce finger stretch.
No C(sharp) trill key. No thumb G(sharp). No Bb trill key. Keys have been moved closer together to eliminate wide stretches. Rollers on F and A(flat) keys.
E(flat) and D(flat) located closer to other keys for shorter reach. Rollers on E(flat) and D(flat) keys.
Individually hand tuned to A-440 pitch with maximum resonance and projection.
  Renard Artist Model 220 Long Bore Bassoon Fox Products Renard Artist Model 220 Long Bore Bassoon Introduced in 1972, the Renard 220 (long bore) can be identified by a very warm "round" tone, evenly balanced, with excellent intonation throughout the entire range. It is the most secure design and its tone quality fits well into both chamber music and orchestral bassoon parts. Like all long bore designs, it features an intonation guarantee that makes it very popular with students and schools.
Black Maple, selected for tone and durability, naturally aged in our own facilities. Natural rubber linings in the wing joint and small bore of the boot joint. French bell (metal ring). Body lock.
Acrylic Enamel
Nickel silver keys with silver plating. Full German system with additional high D and E keys. Ring key for wing joint third finger hole. Right hand whisper key lock. Rollers on F, A(flat), E(flat), D(flat), right thumb B(flat), and F(sharp), in combination with a crowned E key. B(flat) guard. Metal tubes extending into the bore in the finger holes of the wing joint to prevent water from entering the tone holes. All posts set in epoxy and spring posts are locked with screws.
Individually hand tuned to A-440 pitch with maximum resonance and projection.
Numbers 2 and 3, CVX Bore. (Choice of any 2, option of lengths 0 through 4.)
Premium artist case with case cover, 2 reeds, neck strap, crutch, 2 drop swabs, seat strap.
Repair/Warranty Policy
Within one year, the instrument may be returned to the factory for fine tuning, acoustical adjustment, and mechanical servicing, with costs limited to freight and parts.